WOTUS Compliance & Permitting

WOTUS Compliance & Permitting

Waters of the United States (WOTUS) compliance and permitting is a complex process that requires expert knowledge and experience with a variety of regulatory considerations.

Wetlands Unlimited understands that every project presents unique challenges and opportunities.

Wetlands Unlimited uses extensive project experience and regulatory relationships to successfully shepherd clients through the regulatory framework, obtaining the necessary permits, and maintain compliance with federal and state regulations.

Common compliance and permitting services include:

  • USACE Clean Water Act Section 404 Permits: Standard Permits, Nationwide Permits, Regional General Permits, & Letters of Permission
  • Wetlands Delineations
  • Jurisdictional Determinations
  • Site Selection and Evaluation
  • WOTUS Impact Avoidance Strategy
  • Wetlands & Stream Mitigation Planning
  • GIS Mapping

Ready to Tackle Your Regulatory Issues? Let Us Help.

Our experience and wide array of ecological services can help your business to proactively address environmental regulatory issues. Contact us now to get started.